

A Janam Kundali, or birth chart, holds significance as a window into the intricate web of celestial influences shaping an individual's life journey. It serves as a personalized cosmic blueprint, offering profound insights into one's inherent traits, potentials, and life path. With its guidance, individuals can unravel layers of self-awareness, empowering them to make informed decisions and navigate life's twists and turns with clarity and purpose.
Furthermore, through predictive analysis, the Janam Kundali provides glimpses into future possibilities, allowing individuals to anticipate and prepare for significant life events, whether in career, relationships, health, or other domains. Additionally, its role extends to assessing compatibility in relationships, fostering spiritual growth, and aligning actions with higher cosmic purposes, thus enriching the journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.

Creating a Kundali, also known as a birth chart or horoscope, serves several important purposes in Vedic astrology


Kundali creation provides valuable insights into an individual's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. By analyzing the positions of the planets at the time of birth, astrologers can uncover hidden aspects of one's character and illuminate the path to self-discovery.

Life Guidance

A Kundali acts as a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and opportunities. By studying the planetary influences on different areas of life, such as career, relationships, health, and finances, individuals can gain clarity and guidance on making important decisions and overcoming obstacles.

Predictive Analysis

Kundali analysis enables astrologers to make predictions about future events and trends in a person's life. By examining the movement of planets through various astrological houses and their interactions with each other, astrologers can forecast potential outcomes and timing for significant life events.

Compatibility Matching

Kundali matching, or Gun Milan, is a crucial aspect of Vedic astrology used to assess the compatibility between two individuals for marriage. By comparing the Kundalis of prospective partners, astrologers can identify potential areas of harmony and discord in their relationship, helping couples make informed decisions about their future together.

Spiritual Growth

Kundali analysis goes beyond mundane matters to offer insights into an individual's spiritual journey and karmic lessons. By understanding the deeper spiritual implications of planetary placements and aspects, individuals can embark on a path of personal and spiritual growth, aligning their actions with their higher purpose.

Six Key Essential Steps Involved


The Ascendant sign is then calculated, which depends on the planetary impact present when a person is born. All kinds of combinations and facets on ascendant signs are noted.


Lordship and placement of different houses are then examined to make predictions known as the Vimshotri dasha system. This system predicts the happening of a particular event in life right from his birth.


Vimshotri dasha is divided into two subdivisions: Mahadasha (Great Period) & Antardasha (Sub Period).


Antardasha are further broken down into 9 sub periods called as pratyantar dasha.


The location of various planets like Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Rahu & Ketu etc along with the position of the sun with the sign and nakshatras of the moon are noted.


Navamsa charts are also seen for accurate predictions.

Why get Kundali from GoKundali?


GoKundali utilizes advanced astrological algorithms and expert insights to ensure the accuracy of your Kundali, providing reliable predictions and personalized guidance.


Creating a Kundali with GoKundali is convenient and accessible, offering an easy-to-use online platform that eliminates the need for traditional consultations or visits to an astrologer.


With a team of experienced astrologers, GoKundali brings extensive knowledge and expertise in Vedic astrology to create comprehensive and insightful Kundali reports tailored to your individual needs.


GoKundali offers personalized Kundali reports that are tailored to your specific birth details, providing customized insights into your personality, life events, and potential opportunities.


GoKundali provides affordable Kundali creation services, ensuring that everyone can access the benefits of Vedic astrology without breaking the bank.


By creating a Kundali with GoKundali, you empower yourself with valuable insights and guidance that can help you make informed decisions, navigate life's challenges, and unlock your full potential.





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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra, is an ancient Indian system of astrology that originated thousands of years ago. It differs from Western astrology in various ways, including the use of different zodiacs, house systems, and planetary periods.
The accuracy of astrological predictions can vary depending on various factors, including the skill and experience of the astrologer, the quality of the data used, and the complexity of the situation. While astrology can provide valuable insights and guidance, it's not an exact science.
A Kundali, also known as a birth chart or horoscope, is a graphical representation of the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth. It is important in Vedic astrology as it provides insights into an individual's personality, life events, and potential future outcomes.
You can get your Kundali created by providing your birth date, time, and place to an astrologer or by using online Kundali generation tools available on platforms like GoKundali.
You will need to provide your birth date, time, and place to create your Kundali accurately. Is there a fee for creating a Kundali on GoKundali? GoKundali offers both free and premium services for creating and analyzing Kundalis. Some advanced features may require a fee.
GoKundali offers both free and premium services for creating and analyzing Kundalis. Some advanced features may require a fee.
The time taken to generate a Kundali may vary depending on the platform and the complexity of the calculations involved. Typically, it can be done within a few minutes to an hour.
Yes, many astrologers offer personalized Kundali analysis services for specific life events or concerns.
Kundali matching, also known as Gun Milan, is a process used in Vedic astrology to assess the compatibility between two individuals for marriage. It is important in Indian culture as it helps ensure marital compatibility and harmony.
Yes, astrology can provide insights into relationship dynamics and compatibility, as well as offer guidance on resolving marital issues.
The frequency of referring to your Kundali for guidance is a personal choice. Some people may check it regularly, while others may only refer to it during significant life events or when seeking guidance.
Astrology can offer insights into potential trends and influences in various areas of life, but it cannot predict specific events with certainty.
Yes, there are various remedies and rituals prescribed in Vedic astrology to mitigate the effects of unfavorable planetary influences, such as wearing gemstones, performing specific prayers, or participating in certain rituals.
Yes, astrology can offer insights into favorable periods for business ventures, investment decisions, and financial planning based on the analysis of planetary positions and their influences on wealth and prosperity.
Whether Vedic astrology is compatible with your religious beliefs is a personal matter. Some religious traditions may embrace astrology as a spiritual practice, while others may view it differently. It's important to consider your own beliefs and values when exploring astrology or any other spiritual practice.
Yes, many astrologers offer personalized consultation services for individuals seeking guidance on various aspects of life, including career, relationships, health, and spirituality.
GoKundali takes measures to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of its astrological readings by employing experienced astrologers, using reliable data sources, and providing transparent information about the methods and principles used in the analysis.
While astrology can offer valuable insights and guidance, it has its limitations. It cannot predict specific events with absolute certainty, and its effectiveness may vary depending on individual circumstances and interpretations.
Yes, astrology can be used as a tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery by providing insights into one's inner nature, karmic patterns, and life purpose.
There are many resources available for learning about Vedic astrology, including books, online courses, workshops, and seminars. Additionally, you can consult with experienced astrologers or join online communities to engage with others interested in astrology and share knowledge and experiences.
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